Understand 7 Basics of PPC Advertising

Understand 7 Basics of PPC Advertising

  1. Keyword Research:
    Research for long & short tail keywords relevant to your client’s business. Add 15-20 keywords in each ad group.
  2. Landing Page creation:
    Include a few targeting keywords in the content which helps the ppc ads to build relevancy and generate better leads.
  3. Setup Tracking codes:
    Add conversion and remarketing tracking codes on the landing page to measure the results from ppc ads
  4. Negative Keywords:
    Create a list of words on which you don’t want to show your ads and add it to the negative keywords section.
  5. Attractive Text Ad-copies:
    Add USP, features, benefits, all important information about your product or service which will attract the users to click on your ad and to buy your service. Make sure that your ad should have limited but valuable content to engage with new customers.
  6. Optimize the campaigns and ads:
    Monitor the performance, remove the irrelevant keywords from the search query and do A/B testing for low-performing ad copies.
  7. Track results:
    Measure the achieved results from tracking codes in Google Analytics and make sure you observe the audience behavior with your landing page and ads. This will help you to gain more understanding of the ongoing campaign and optimize it accordingly.